This page provides access to papers and presentations prepared by BEA staff. Abstracts are presented in HTML format; complete papers are in PDF format with selected tables in XLS format. The views expressed in these papers are solely those of the authors and not necessarily those of the U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis or the U.S. Department of Commerce.
R&D and Other Intangible Assets in an Input-Output Framework: Experimental Estimates with U.S. Data
The U.S., along with many other countries, plans to adjust official economic statistics in coming years to recognize R&D and several other intangibles as capital assets. We present here experimental estimates of the impact of capitalized intangibles on industry output and industry value… Read more
Market Entry and Trade Weighted Import Costs
Trade costs have fallen surprisingly little given the large increase in international trade in the last 50 years. This paper examines whether trade costs are properly measured. I show theoretically that trade weighted measures will underestimate the changes in trade costs when there are fixed… Read more
Human Capital Accounting in the United States: 1994 to 2006
This paper presents measures of the human capital stock and of investment in human capital for the United States between 1994 and 2006. When both market and non-market production are included, the stock of human capital was equal to about three quarters of a quadrillion dollars in 2006, of which… Read more
Price Discrimination and Business-Cycle Risk
A parsimonious theoretical model of second degree price discrimination suggests that the business cycle will affect the degree to which firms are able to price discriminate between different consumer types. We analyze price dispersion in the airline industry to assess how price discrimination… Read more
Price Indexes for Drugs: A Review of the Issues
The Rise of Vertical Specialization Trade
Manufacturing and vertical specialization (VS) trade, trade in goods that incorporate imported inputs, has grown rapidly since the 1960s. I argue that declining trade costs are an important explanation for these facts. I present a three stage vertical specialization trade model, with raw… Read more
GDP and Beyond: Measuring Economic Progress and Sustainability
The United States possesses some of the most highly developed sets of gross domestic product (GDP) accounts in the world. These accounts—which are collectively know as the national income product and wealth accounts or national accounts—have been regularly updated over the years and have well… Read more
Collection of data on income and other taxes in surveys of U.S. multinational enterprises
Supplemental Materials:
- Tables (XLS)
Terms of Trade Effects: Theory and Methods of Measurement
Foreign trade enables a nation to consume a different mix of goods and services than it produces, so to measure real gross domestic income (GDI) for an open economy, we must deflate by an index of the prices of the things that this income is used to buy, not the price index for GDP. The… Read more
Metropolitan Area Disposable Personal Income – Methodology and Results for 2001-2007
The Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) publishes annual statistics of state disposable personal income, the difference between state personal income and state personal current taxes. BEA also publishes annual statistics of personal income for sub-state areas, but BEA does not publish… Read more